I ♥ hearts. Think about it – a heart is pretty cool. A relatively simple shape that can con- vey a very important idea – love. Even little kids can recognize and understand it. Fold one in half, and you can explain the idea of symmetry (see how I threw a little S.T.E.A.M. in there?). For preschoolers still learning their letters, giving someone a heart is a way for them to show their affection, and no transla- tion is needed.
In honor of Valentine’s Day falling in February, I’d like to take a moment and list some other things that I ♥:
- I ♥ the hard work that Grace families put into their job assignments! There are so many behind the scenes positions that take extra time at home but are essential to keeping our preschool running smoothly. Your energy and time are appreciated.
- I ♥ when our kids let us sleep until 7:15 on the weekends.
- I ♥ our volunteers! Charie, Kathy and Kay…you bring your warmth and experience to our classroom, and enrich our children’s days.
- I ♥ that my second grader still lets me hug him outside the classroom, in front of his friends.
- I ♥ watching the kids learning to love music with Lavenia. Hearing little voices belting out “Tingalayo” with gusto always puts a smile on my face. Props to Lavenia for her patience and always positive attitude!
- I ♥ that how my older sons are always willing to play a game with their little brothers when they get home from school – it’s a time of day they all look forward to together.
- I ♥ our amazing teachers. Marlene, Joy, Meg and Sarah- you make the preschool a warm and welcoming place. My sons learn something new and cool every day, and I feel like I do, too!
- I ♥ when friends tip me off to a good book, and then staying up way past my bedtime to read ‘just one more chapter’.
- I ♥ PANCAKE BREAKFAST! Serious- ly – this event is so much fun, and I look forward to it every year. It’s inspiring to watch all the hard work that everyone puts in to organizing this event – from gathering donations to creating decorations to selling those tickets – every bit helps, and every bit shows support to the school. And your children truly learn from watching what you do: they see the adults in their world helping their school, cooperating with other peo- ple to make this a successful day, and they will remember the example you show.
- I ♥ binge-watching our favorite tv shows with Sean after the kids go to bed. (One can never get enough “Parks and Rec”!)
- I ♥ Grace Cooperative Preschool!
Wishing you all a good month full of all the things that you and your fami- lies ♥ best. Remember to sell those tickets, and get ready for an amazing Pancake Breakfast ‘Up In the Air’! Happy February!
- – Frith O’Steen