November was a busy month! In the first few days, we finished our unit on woodland homes. The children had fun learning about various creatures who live in the forests, with particular emphasis on birds (e.g., owls), mammals (raccoons, squirrels), and insects (spiders). As we moved on through November, the topic of gratitude was introduced, and the children had fun discussing what they are grateful for. Listening to these discussions was a great reminder that it’s often the “little things” (from an adult perspective) that are foremost in the minds of kids — one child was grateful for “new pajamas,” since he has “always wanted glow-in-the-dark ones” and is now in possession of a pair! November culminated with our annual Family Feast, which is an opportunity for family and extended family to join our preschoolers for a potluck meal at the school. In many ways this resembles a typical Thanksgiving meal, with one twist — each family is asked to bring a dish to share that is either a favorite of or somehow special to that family. Thus each meal featured dishes like mac and cheese and jello (typical preschooler favorites!) as well as menu items such as lumpia and wontons. These feasts were a wonderful send-off to the Thanksgiving holiday! – Brooke Novales, Board Member-At-Large