“Though April Showers should come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May.” I’m hoping there are many flowers coming our way this Spring, as we planted a variety of seeds and transplanted some well established plants in the garden. Now we’ll water, weed, and watch . . . and hope!
I hope all of you had great Spring breaks (from preschool) and are ready to enjoy the extra energy and excitement Spring brings. We’ll be considering things that come from eggs at preschool and that’s always a special time. How can we miss when we get to talk about birds, fish, snakes and lizards! We even learn a song with those words. There are a multitude of books on these topics and we will have fun with them.
In addition to our regular school activities, there are some special opportunities for parents, children and the whole family. I want to highlight one and encourage everyone who is able to participate in our Earth Day Observance on Sunday, April 27.
Children from the three classes will be singing together at the 10 AM church service (about 8 minutes near the beginning). After singing, they will be excused to go to the play yard for Earth Day Related Activities. And then . . . drum roll, please . . . . Jungle James will visit!
The children will sing “Everybody’s Got to Grow,” “It’s a Small World,” and “Skidamarink.” You will be getting more details as the time gets nearer.
We also have a maintenance day, election of officers, and parent meeting this month. Each of these is important to the successful operation of the preschool and requires support from all members.
One final “Heads up!” to share: before Spring break, we were getting requests for the water table. So, on these warm days we’ll be putting it out and expecting it to get enthusiastic use, so if you take home a “damp” child, don’t be too surprised.
Happy days to each of you. – Marlene