Welcome to Grace Cooperative Preschool!
We are a parent participation preschool located in Walnut Creek. Our school is a place where children learn though play. Our mission is to help children develop a positive sense of themselves by nurturing their inherent joys and energies. Through the creation of a supportive and challenging environment we develop their physical, social and cognitive abilities.
As a cooperative preschool our parents participate in the program by assisting in the classroom, providing ideas and energy to shape the school. Parents learn with their children through an exchange of ideas with other parents and the professional staff. Grace has an ongoing program of parent education through speakers, conferences and a parent education library.
Grace Cooperative Preschool has been providing comprehensive early childhood education for children and their families since the fall of 1971. We are licensed by the California State Department of Social Services and fully conform to the laws that provide for a healthy and safe environment. We are located on the campus of Grace Presbyterian Church, however the preschool is non-sectarian. We encourage enrollment of families from all races, religions and backgrounds.